So we tried watering a week or so ago and our sprinklers got stuck on, after trying to get them off we ended up having a bad sylinoid (or something like that) which was shooting up a stream of water in the front lawn while the sprinklers were going on in the side yard. (same place that got all the water in the basement and flooded it over the fourth) After many a phone call to my dad trying to figure out how to turn off the water we found out our main water turn off was under those big metal circle things (like where the ninja turtles lived) in the middle of our side walk. We finally got that open to find it was full of water past Brandon's elbow. We probably bailed some 20 gallons of water out of the little main water turn off, then after struggling to turn the water off with a wrench we discovered we had one of those big metal rod thing to turn off the water got the water turned off to our house. So we went with out water the whole next day, mind you we didn't think we would have hot water or anything so poor Brandon went to work half muddy and yucky from our adventure the night before. We also don't have ac just a swamp cooler which doesn't work with out water. It was quite the hot and terribly long day. My dad was kind enough to come up that night and helped us fix our sprinkler or so we thought... Brandon has been manually turning off and on the sprinklers this week. Then Saturday night Brandon thought he would water again... well at 1230am he couldn't get them to shut off so he had to turn the water off again. So we have been without water since Sunday. We turn it on long enough to shower or flush the toilets (awesome, I know you are jealous). So once again my dad is coming up tonight to see if he can help us figure out why our sprinklers are so freaking awesome. Life is good:)
1 comment:
Man, that's when I cave and call a professional.
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