I started working as an LPN on our psych unit at the hospital. So far its been good. I have only worked one day by myself but it went well. The extra money will defiantly be nice as well as a little working experience as an LPN will be good too. I will be working one to two 5pm-5am on bhu a week and one 5am-5pm a week as a CNA on float.so pretty much part-full time woo hoo.
Brandons work is the same ol same ol.... nothing new there.
We have been working away on the house still. July was just way too hot to ever work on the house. We have the deck sanded now, all we need to do is take down the old railing, stain the deck and railing and get the railing up. I just painted the bathroom vanity, we still need to tile in there and then it will be all done. My most recent paint job was the kitchen. I started Friday, worked Saturday and Sunday and we back at the kitchen today. Tomorrow I will do the second coat in the morning and possibly get all the doors on that night... maybe I'll let it dry longer but I just can't stand looking at all the junk in the cupboards! The kitchen has been a LOT more work than I had planned but so far, I think it will pay off. I sure hope it does other wise I am out on all that time!
I really wanted to be done with all of our little projects so we could get the house listed in September but who knows if that will really happen....
We are still looking for a house to buy but we aren't positive that we want to be in Logan forever, but to be honest we don't know where else we would go. Plus your money doesn't seem to get you very much in Logan, but I'm sure when the time comes we will find something, or at least we hope we do.
Well I don't know as that much else is going on.
Emma is growing and learning every day. She keeps us laughing all the time. She loves the talk so loud/scream all the time, she is such a happy little girl. She rolls over all the time now she can roll quite a long ways its funny. You'll lay her on her blanket and then before you know it shes half way across the room, not even kidding! She loves to stick three or four fingers in her mouth and just suck on them like crazy. She is starting to giggle lots. She loves to be thrown up in the air, she just laughs and laughs, well most of the time. she isn't the biggest fan of solid food... but I'm kind of lazy with trying too... I decided it was time to try because she was/is going through a growth spurt and was just eating way too often, so the cereal helped, but we only kept up on it for a little over a week.... and thats our little Emma girls update.
I think thats all for now. Hopefully the next post will be of the finished kitchen :) one can hope right.
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