Sunday, October 24, 2010

California Lots of pics!:)

Well lets be honest pictures are what anyone cares about anyway so you can just scroll to those but as for a little update from us....
Emma is 6months! Ok really like 6 1/2 now, where has all that time gone! It is just flying she is changing so much all the time and we are loving every min. of it! She is loving to eat her baby foods she pretty much loves everything but squash, but that was awhile ago, we will have to try again. She loves jumping in her bouncer thing and chewing on all her toys. She sleeps through the night like a champion. She usually goes down around 730 or 8 then I feed her when I go to bed and she might stay up an hour total then she goes to bed until around 9am. its heaven. She is sooo good to us. I'm just hoping that all our kido's are like that but lets face it who gets that lucky?
I don't remember if I ever officially came out and said we are building a house! Woo hoo! We looked and looked and decided that building was the best option. We will be building out in Tremonton (never in my LIFE would I think I would be living out there, but I'm so very excited!) It has a main floor and upstairs, its a three bedroom 2.5 bath and has a giant bonus room that will hopefully be a sweet theater/ big kid play room. It will be the perfect little place for us and our family to grow. We all ready picked out paint, siding, carpet, tile...(you get the idea) and they started digging about a week ago. I'm so very excited for this next step in our life, and hope we can make a smooth transition. They are contracted to have it done and ready to move into by January 13, but they said there goal is to have us in for Christmas, what the! Thats only like 2 months! How awesome would that be!
Brandon applied for a different job at thermo, so he would be a specialist, which means more money that is always nice but it would be from 8am-5am and at the other campus which would be kind of a longer commute once we move, but he also heard word there might be a specialist job at the place he is all ready at, which also comes with a pay raise but I think he would be working swing. I don't know if that would be a good or bad thing. If I get to working just nights (5pm-5am) we would just have a few hours of overlap and it would only be at most 2-3 days a week. I am still working 12hr/week as a CNA in the float pool and doing 12-24hr/week as a LPN on the psych unit. I really am loving working as a LPN and wish that I could get a guaranteed 24 hours so I could just quit being a CNA, its really hard doing both but I am so lucky that I get to.

Trying to hold her bottle like a big girl
munching on her toys
She looks funny... but she loves the bouncer (thanks mom!)
sleepy girl
Sleepin with papi
lovin the bumbo
She LOVES her hand
Sleepy girl, always sleeping with that daddy of hers
Nap time with Nollie and Emma

Story. So Brandon was playing with Emma and Ada and Ada accidentally kneed Brandon in the eye.... none of us could look at him without saying something about his eye the rest of the trip. It was kind of gross, and pretty sad it looked like it hurt so much! Love ya babe!
Other wise California was a blast. The boys played lots of PS3 and sports and me and Claudia did some crochet and crafted it up. We went to the pumpkin patch, to the Zoo, shopping(I got Emma the CUTEST converse, they are bright yellow and I LOVE them!) we tried going to just walk around the beach but it had been rainy all day so that didn't last long but we still had lots of fun hanging out with the fam! Thanks Jason and Claudia for feeding us, letting us crash at your place, and for putting up with us!
Brandons eye after a little knee came to play with it...
Emma, my poor little bald girl.
Me and Emma at the Zoo
.... I don't remember what he was

Emma girl and her funny monkeyish hat
Ada and Emma BFF
funny goats at the pumpkin patch that would climb all around in the air and stand on these platforms
Emma our little cuite at the pumpkin patch

Well thats it. Hopefully I will just stay caught up, cause purge blogging is lame!


Anonymous said...

Well I started to read the part on Cali but then saw Brandon's Eye and could no longer concentrate.... put it away!! hahahaha Had so much FUN when you guys came out! Congrats on the HOUSE but too bad you have to turn around and sell it to move out here hehehehehehehe. Annual Passes to Disney,Weekly rounds of PINKBERRY, unlimited babysitting, not to mention your COOL status would go way up if you guys were SEEN with us more often. :0) Love ya and can't wait to Turkey it up next month!

The McCulloughs said...

WHen I saw Brody for the first time, I couldn't stop looking at his eye! Glad my kids aren't the only ones who pick on their uncle! Looks like your trip to Cali was a blast! I can't believe how grown up Emma looks and she looks adorable, even with her bald head! So excited for your house in Tree town.. I can't wait to see it!
ps.. that pic of Emma with her whole hand in her mouth is Hilarious!! I love it!!

Oliver Family said...

Oh my gosh love the bluish/monkeyish hat. Adorable!!!

Lindsay said...

Great updates! Emma is getting so big. She is adorable!