Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jobs, not jobs, and the likes

Well very exciting news! Brandon got a promotion at work! He will be working as a sort of supervisor of what he use to do. He has been training and will continue to train until the end of the year then he will start on his own on swing-ish shift. We think his hours will be like 4pm-12 or something like that. We are quite excited!!
I too HAD a job interview set up for today. But after a little thought and a lot of prayer I decided to not go so I called up the manager and let him know. My hours would have been from 2-11 3 days a week so we would have had to get a baby sitter for our little miss, and to me it just wasn't worth it. I know that more hours will become available soon on BHU where I am currently working PRN and they would be day shift which would be 5am-5pm, way less conflicting with Brandon's schedule. I would have loved to work on TCU because I would have been doing more nursing care, taking care of more patients, and just not feel like I'm babysitting but I really think this will be best for our family.
In other news and events...
I cannot believe its almost Christmas!! This year has gone by so fast, with school, a baby, new work schedules, building/buying and house and everything else life has just flown on by. We sure are trying to enjoy it, but sometimes I wonder if we are missing something, I sure hope not.
Emma is growing so much, she is starting to get her bottom two teeth, one just broke though two days ago and the other isn't far behind. She is starting to get around quite well. She isn't really crawling on all fours yet, but that doesn't stop her from scooting, wiggling, army crawling, rolling into all sorts of fun. Her favorites are any toy that isn't her's, the tv remotes, the ps3 remotes and cords, and the volume buttons on anything. She is such a joy, and am so thankful she is in our family.
Our house is all but finished, we really just may be in for Christmas which is unreal to us! When they told us thats what they were shooting for we just told ourselves it wouldn't happen, but would be happy if it did. Well now its a real possibility! They said it should be painted and have all the cabinets in by Friday. They all ready have the tile done, walls were textured, all the doors and casings in, shelfs in the closets, and half the siding done. They were working on our road on Tuesday when we went out. So we really just need our appliances, carpet, and a driveway and we will pretty much be ready to move! Oh and lets not forget all our packing... ugh. I have started working on packing up anything I don't think we will need, you know food storage, towels, summer clothes etc, mostly I am trying to get rid of junk! For some reason I feel that I might just need everything one day... I am doing much better though at getting rid of stuff and am convinced I will not move junk that I don't need to my new house.
Speaking of I really should go start packing, cleaning and de-junking. This will more than likely be one of our last posts this year. Wish us well on packing, if you have any tips let us know!

1 comment:

Kathryn Buxton said...

My tip is to throw it away! It's hard at first, but when we moved I just gave stuff to the DI or to friends, or threw it out. It's actually nice to de-clutter once in a while and I can honestly say, three months later, I don't even remember what it was I threw away! So I must not have needed it that much! I'm excited that you guys are almost ready to move in! Yay!