Well to start off little Emma got diagnosed with an ear infection on the 30th, so we started her on antibiotics. She was starting to get a little better then on the 3rd she got a fever at night and it would not go down. I gave her lots of Tylenol and nothing would bring it down then she started puking so I ended up taking her into the ER at 3:30ish that morning. Oh yeah, Brandon went to the doctor on the morning of the third and he had influenza. Back to little Emma, when we got to the ER her temp was 103 something but everything looked ok, they did blood test, a urine test, and a chest x-ray and still didn't really find anything. He looked at her ears and said they were clear now too. Great, so they said its a fever of unknown origin and to just give her Tylenol and Motrin around the clock until it goes away and to only give her clear liquids for awhile. They took her off her old antibiotic and stuck her on a different one and sent us home. She had a fever all day tues. and so did Brandon so I was playing nurse all day to them. They both started feeling better yesterday. We even moved some stuff out to the house. Today Brandon was feeling ok and he went back to work poor guy. Emma still just seems sick but hasn't had a fever but is now starting to have lots of diareaha, oh joy. My mom was so kind to come over and watch her while I took Brandon dinner. Now I'm home, baby's asleep and hubby's at work until midnight.
Tomorrow our fridge, washer, and dryer are coming to our new house so we have to be out there early in the morning. I also need to get Emma an appointment for a follow up. Man and we're not even going to be getting much rest because we are moving this weekend! Hopefully next week will be a little more calm.
I hate when babies are sick. It's so sad/scary. Hope the whole fam feels better soon.
yeah for moving! I am always checking to see what the update is on the house situation! Sounds like you are in the home stretch!
You poor things! I am soo sorry that you have all been crazy sick! Glad you are feeling better now and I am very excited to see your new place~
You poor things! I am soo sorry that you have all been crazy sick! Glad you are feeling better now and I am very excited to see your new place~
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