Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring... I guess

This is when it was nice and warm just before we left to Vegas last weekend. Me and Emma took a walk over to the park and played on the swings. She LOVED it. She would just laugh and laugh. I was pushing her so high!
This is a picture after the show we went to 'Le Reve' it was lots of fun. We sat in the second row which was super nice even though we did get splashed a few times. They wouldn't let you take pics during the show but man it was crazy! There were all this acrobats above all the water and diving back in the water and synchronized swimming... that description doesn't really do it justice but it was lots of fun you'll just have to believe me.
Also I'm just realizing this is about the only picture I took while we were there. Ugh I'm terrible. We had lots of fun though it was a super short trip but we had lots of fun and it was a perfect little break. If only when we got back it didn't decided to go back to rainy/snowing/cold/grey/yucky weather!

my cute little sleeper girl.

And this was today she likes to take her socks off and chew on them... ugh

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Anonymous said...

hahahahahahah love that sock pic :0)
Hey got you and Brody jobs, just put ur house up for sale and found you a place to live here. The U-haul is booked for next thurs.... start packing up ur crap.

The McCulloughs said...

Oh I forgot to talk to you about Le Reve..was it soo amazing? I need to hear all about it! Parks is in love with his socks too! I love how she is asleep with it still in her hand..hahhaha! Glad you guys had fun and you totally scored with the nice weather!

Oliver Family said...

That first picture of Emma is so cute. She is getting so big.