as of right now Emma...
has 7 teeth, four on top and three on bottom
can stand by herself
can crawl up and down the stair herself
is on 100% whole milk as of today! woo hoo,
smiles and laughs a lot
won't let you make her do anything she doesn't want to do
is off her bink
sleeps good 90% of the time, she has random times where she won't nap or insists on waking up to eat lots but usually coincides when she is sick or growing
will sign for milk 75% of the time
signs for milk when she wants anything to eat or drink... still working on that
loves to watch baby signing time
will laugh at funny things on tv
loves her mommy and daddy
Can say mom, dad, I want a bottle, do basic math, you know normal one year old stuff ;) just kidding
We go for her one year check up on monday so we will do her stats then.
We love our little gal so much and are so happy to have her in our life!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA! I can't believe she is one today! We are happy she joined your little family as well! Excited to celebrate when we are up north next weekend! :)
Oh how I love this little girl! Happy birthday little miss Emma! We love you more than you'll ever know. I'm excited to celebrate her birthday Sunday!!
I can't believe she is one either! That first year really does fly by! I hope she had a happy birthday! We will have to celebrate this weekend when we are over there!
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