0800: wake up to Emma screaming
0815: daddy went and got her, my kind of day :)
0830: "mooore?" Emmas favorite word
0835: Breakfast, I dump some Cheerio's on Emma's tray and pour some corn pops for me. Emma points at my cereal "more" I dump some corn pops on her tray, every ones happy.
0915: B leaves for physical therapy
0915-1030: spend way too much time on the computer while Emma watches yo gabba gabba and runs around like a crazy girl. Then hurry and shower and get me and Emma ready to leave.
1040: actually leave the house after making about ten, last trips in the house for some random item.
1130: Meet up with Brandon and hit up TJ maxx, Old Navy and Pets Mart. Then its off to subway and then up the canyon to first dam.
1215-1300: Emma fell asleep on the way, so we carefully move her to her stroller, go sit at the picnic tables, have lunch and chat and take ridiculousness pictures of ourselves. After lunch Emma wakes up we go look at ducks, Emma points and says "moore?" "no ducks say quack" "wack?" "yes quack" "moore?" then signs cracker.
1300-1415: Part ways with Brandon and head to Hobby Lobby with little Emma to look for a frame for a project. Leave empty handed which is a good thing considering I picked up and looked at a million different things.
1530: get home and Emma is hungry, tired, and cranky, but won't eat or sleep! Fight her on taking a nap. I lost. Spend the next hour getting toys thrown on me, and a sad baby crawling on my lap almost falling asleep, then waking up to throw something or start crying. Then she goes and terrorizes the dog.
1605: Nollie joins me on the couch and tries to hide from Emma. Nollie fails.
17oo: wake up from a tiny nap because Emma is hitting me in the face with a toy and is asking for more. She has in maybe five min. emptied all her toys out, and pulled her toy crib half way across the room, pulled out a bunch of the PS3 stuff and broken a clip.
1705: Brandon calls for me to look up a mattress, after much debate, we don't want one. We would rather a car. Some how this makes sense...
1730: start making dinner, try to feed Emma "more" I fail. Dinner in the oven, Emma fell asleep in her high chair, great.
1800-1900: Eat dinner, bake some cookies. Emma is still asleep. Great.
1915-1930: Try and watch "So You Think You Can Dance." Stop because Emma is awake finally.
1935-2100: Feed Emma again, give her a bath while eating ice cream (don't hate!), Emma asked for more, she ate ice cream in the tub (don't hate!) fight to get lotion on the babe and for her to sit still long enough to get a diaper and pj's on, E runs around more, we read books, give her some milk, brush her teeth, prayers and lay her down.
2200-2230: finish SYTYCD, then B calls and I talk to him. Go in and put the pics from today on the computer and start this post.
2300: think to myself who in there mind makes a post of their day hour by hour. Oh yeah me, cause I want to remember my plain old days are my favorite kind of days.
Excuse me... Why didn't our phone call make the list? I was part of this crazy day too! :0)
3 things I like about this day. 1st-it sounds very similar to my days off. 2nd- I love 'So You Think You Can Dance'. 3rd-It's nice to hear that other kids won't hold still long enough to get their diaper put on. It takes me 5 mins to get a diaper on spencer becuase I'm fighting him the whole time.
Oh how I love you Joce. I laughed during half the post and the other half inspired me to do it myself :) thanks for sharing such a wonderful day with us. Emma is beautiful as ever. I can't wait to actually meet her in person. She seems a lot like her mom :) Love you girl
Oh I love this post and just might have to do it myself! It's important to remember the non-eventful days!!!
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