Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Big Bear: Ayotte family vaca 2011

Here are some pics from our most recent and sadly last vaca of the summer, because like it or not I started school yesterday...

sunset behind the condos

Lots of food, hiking, games, laughing, swimming, water fights, strolling around town, and just plan ol' being with the fam. Emma was not so fun but everyone was awesome with putting up with her and her craziness. After the condo we spent two night with Jason and Claudia. Kel was a trooper and came along and sat next to Emma. Turns out Emma and teething=NO FUN. It was kind of rough in the car but we made it. The drive home wasn't too bad sooo glad we stopped at the outlets. We got some sweet deals (wish Emma wouldn't have been so cranky and maybe I could have found some mores stuff) and good thing Kel sang "Zoom, zoom zoom, were going to the moon" oh... about a million-gazillion times!
We then went back to work, enjoyed our last weekend together before I started school. We went out to my parents Saturday and celebrated my moms bday with a bbq with all the fam, we missed Hayan but everyone else was there. It was a lot of fun and Emma and Nash are starting to interact more with each other its lots of fun. Then Sunday we went out to Brandons parents for a yummy Sunday dinner.
Monday I started my last year of nursing school WOO HOO. All except that I actually have to go to school. Well to be honest I really do like school, its trying to find baby sitters for E and having to be away from the fam so much that I really don't like. I just keep saying, "its only a year, its only a year" You can do anything for a year right? And really its only like 9 months. my schedule for at least through October looks something like this:
Mon. class in Ogden 8am-12pm
Tues. work in Logan 5am-5:30pm
Wed. clinical in SLC 7am-730pm
Thurs. work in Logan 5am-5:30pm
Fri. class in Ogden 8am-6pm
Sat. and Sun. - Family time
Hopefully I can keep up working because that means school will be paid for, and who doesn't like free school! We could not do this without all our family and friends helping out with watching our little gal. Who knew trying to find baby sitters was so complicated. So far its working out well. I just hope I can remember where to pick her up at haha.
Well little E is down for a nap and there's about a million other things I should be doing with precious nap time.


Oliver Family said...

Wow Joce I do not envy that schedule! Is it only for a year? Love the effects you did to the pictures. Love Emma. Love you. (you tell Brandon I love him too) Good luck-you're amazing and you can do it!

Kathryn Buxton said...

Looks like fun!! We went to Cali on a family vacation when my nephew was a few months old, definitely different having little kiddos on vacation but it was fun too and it gives you a break since everyone always wants to play with the toddler! :) Sounds like a success! And congrats on just one more year of school!! That's amazing! I'm sure you will rock at it as usual!

Lindsay said...

OH wow! That is one HARD schedule. I don't know how you do it. Nursing school was so hard. Being a mom is so hard. I can't imagine doing them together. But, you are right...you can do anything for a year! Good luck!