Monday, October 3, 2011

Conference Weekend

This weekend we...played with cousins

ran around in this silly helmet

watched conference in a stroller
ate a black crayon
visited nana and papa
picked apples with grandpa
went down the slide
watched conference at home, and got tickled lots by daddy
made a new recipe, it was yummy
pet a chicken... kind of
enjoyed a good breakfast
Crashed after all the fun
went out for one last time on the lake
spent lots of time in the car
more breakfast time, gotta love that mouth full!

Love when pictures are out of order... oh well. We had a great conference weekend. Always love hearing all the talks and gets me so excited for fall. We enjoyed our time as a little fam and had fun visiting the grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles, brother/sister in laws. Brandon is on day shift this week so we actually get to see each other a lot, woo hoo. Its much needed we are hating how much time we spend apart but we are so glad I can be finishing up school and that we have jobs. Emma is so much fun lately and is talking more and is just so much fun... except for the fit throwing that's not so fun. But I best be off to get ready for work tomorrow. Can I just say how much I hate getting up at 3:30am YUCK

1 comment:

Oliver Family said...

Look at all that blonde hair on Emma. She is getting more gorgeous every time I see her.