Monday, November 7, 2011

Is this real life?

I'll save you the 5 min you might waste reading this and just tell you now this probably isn't worth the read but hey I can't stop you.

As much as I hate rough days I feel like I need to write about them so when I think things are tough or whatever I can remember there were worse days.Also I wan't to remember what it was exactly I did make it through. So really this is me just being whiny but hey, its my blog and I'll whine if  I want too! haha ( and I just feel like I should add  I in no way think we have it hard, to be honest I feel like we have been so blessed, we have great family, friends, we have a beautiful little girl who we love dearly, we have a great house, jobs, and I'm in my LAST year of nursing school, I really could go on and on... but this is a venting post)

I just need to say, school is getting so ridiculous! Our instructor last Friday was texting his wife then all of a sudden mid sentence he answered his phone. His wife wanted to know if her out fit looked ok. Seriously? Then just ends lecture because he couldn't focus. Then today they had told us to come in an hour early, no big deal right. Well too bad our instructor text a student to see when class was and they told her 9 not 8 so we all sat around for an hour and then she starts lecture at maybe 9:15. Annoying but oh well right. Then its getting closer to time to leave and we still had to do a test review, take a test, and group test. So someone asked why she was taking so long, she says because this is a three hour class and they let us out too often. Then someone else says well we were all here on time, and you weren't. so she says well I was told the wrong time. So I say its kind of disrespectful of our time, you can't just change how long lecture goes mid class. So our instructor says fine I'll just stop. and says to take a break and then comes back and does a terrible test review and then tells us she knows we are suppose to take our test now, but our other instructor has an announcement and so to take another 15min break. Serious? And his announcement, we are canceling lab this week and we are all suppose to go to this mock trial the master students are doing up at Weber state that goes until 5 this Fri. when I usually get out around 2-3 on Fri. Oh no big deal who needs to try and plan there lives... And I wish this was the first time things like this had happened but its pretty much a weekly thing and its getting old! We have Mon. and Fri. class so when we were suppose to get Fri. off and they up and changed class to Thurs. because they needed the extra day. So frustrating that I'm spending all this money on nursing school and most of the time our instructors aren't even prepared for lecture and can't answer our questions.

As for the rest of my day, I still don't have babysitters a few days this week, Emma has emptied out all her toys, pulled 9 keys off the lap top, wrote on the couch with pen, kicked me, and threw books at me (she has had her really cute moments too) Found out we were out of rubbing alcohol half way through the ink clean up, and had to run to the store at 8:30. And Emma is still awake and its 10pm (SO not normal for her).

Man how whiny was that! I'm just so grateful for my family especially my husband. Brandon lets me be a big baby right now and just tells me I can do this and we will get through it its only a few more months.  I can't wait for graduation and we can be a normal family again. Never seeing Brandon is getting old!  I know there are so many other people just like us, who don't see their families and have been doing it for much longer and my hats are off to them cause I just don't think I could do this if I didn't have an end in sight.

On a lighter note, I was able to sweep, mop, clean the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, and cook a big ol dinner which I was pretty excited to get done. And I got all the ink out of the couch, just trowing this out there I love my white couches. I may have to wash them a lot but at least they come clean.

Oh geeze, Emma keeps pulling on the dogs ears and now I have a shaking dog sitting on my lap and a crazy baby girl trying to keep pulling on the dogs ears. Its not like the dog couldn't just jump over the baby gate and get away she just keeps on getting beat up by the babe. Well I need to get laundry switched and put a crazy baby to bed and get myself to be cause I need to get up at  3:45am. Tis the start of my three 12 hour shifts in a row... In good news, I only have clinical this week and next and I'm done for the semester!

I promise to not have another whiny outburst, well I at least I won't blog about it. :)


Kelsey said...

I feel this way too. Sometimes it's best just to get it out and allow yourself to move on. :) I'm proud of you- I definitely couldn't work and go to nursing school with a family. Keep it up girl! Love you :)

Oliver Family said...

I've had days like that too. Where you don't want pity or anything but you just have to get everything off your chest. You're among friends so go ahead and spill your guts. We love you and know you're amazing and you'll get through all the tough times.

Lindsay said...

I've been through nursing school and know how terrible it is and I don't know how you do it with a child! You are super mom and we all need to vent every once in awhile!