Tuesday, March 6, 2012

home stretch

School is just way too busy and this last month just may be the hardest month we have had in a long time but it will all be over in a month. We can make it! I just want to put it out there, there is no way we could have got here with out all our family and friends. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives that are so willing to help us out watching Emma, being understanding why we have completely dropped of the face of the earth, and everything else everyone does. We really do feel so blessed.
Here are a few pictures of whats going on. I wish I had time to do more but I really have been trying to spend time doing some projects around home, and of course school. Can't wait to just be working and spending time with the family.

Emma seriously has some of the crazyest hair. I put some gel in it to try and put it in piggies and she was just being crazy, her hair seriously grows so slow! I have only cut it once and that wasn't even all over! Poor kids almost two! She takes after her momma for sure.

Yes her hair fits in piggies finally! She hates them but I insist when we go out other wise she totally has a mullet... oh well. Mullets are so in. ps this was the only pic I got of her in her cute little valentines day outfit, I made her skirt, she looked so cute.

She may have chased my parents dog into his kennel and she may have taken a paw to the face. But don't ask me. This was last month and still if you point to her eye (which is no longer bruised, that only lasted like two days) she will say "eye, ouch, hank, naughty" so.dang.cute.

This girl hates bedtime, I take that back she just thinks she should stay up until 10 or 11 which doesn't so much work with me having to be up at 2 or 3am for precepting/work. So I though I would make her walk to the park by our house. We did and she played, went to see the horses at the fair grounds and walked back (I NEVER even carried her) and she still stayed up super late, little stink.

Well thats about it for us. Next post will be probably be E's birthday, easter, conference, then graduation, holla!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Adorable! You're going to be so grateful you make the time to record these special times in picture and word! We just love having Emma come to play with us. Naughty Hank!