Friday, July 16, 2010

3mo old pics

Claudia, my rockin sister in law took these while we were up in bear lake. I'm in love... now to just get some printed!!
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Katie said...

She is getting so big!! It isn't right that I've only seen her the one time... Lets definitely get together soon, even if its just pizza and the card game with the pegs until Harry comes out (is that November??)

Anonymous said...

THX for letting me do this, She is SO CUTE! Loved how they turned out :0)

Oliver Family said...

Adorable! My favortie things are the ones of the left.

Oliver Family said...

And by things I meant pictures :)

Unknown said...

Claudia did an awesome job! Kind of nice to have a photographer in the family! Leave Jeff, gain Claudia... seems good to me. btw, Jason and Claudia's kids sure are cute! you can tell they both love the camera can't you?