Well.... if you were thinking I actually took pictures Christmas morning or Christmas day for that matter, you were wrong, very wrong. I was busy enjoying our first Christmas with out cute little girl. We did take some video so don't write me off as a bad mom yet.
Christmas morning we woke up and opened presents at our house, then got ready and headed down to my parents. We hung out with the fam, did dinner, opened presents again, my aunts, uncle, and cousins came up to visit, it was very fun. Then we headed out to Brandon's parents, ate more, hung out with the fam, presents. We spent the night, and hung out some more the next day. It was a great time, Christmas is going to be so fun as Emma gets older and maybe even add more kido's to the mix. We were totally spoiled by our families and enjoyed seeing everyone.
A few days before Christmas Emma had a fever and was just super irritable which just isn't my little girl. She wouldn't even play with her toys it was so sad! I knew she was getting teeth so I called and got a doctor appointment for Christmas eve just in case it was something more, well she started feeling better that morning so we didn't take her in. For a week she was just on and off cranky and was waking up all through the night, which was killing me cause she has been sleeping though the night since like 4 months. Yesterday she was super cranky and was so tired but wouldn't take her naps so I called and got her in to the doctor. Turns out she did have an ear infection. I was so glad ( I know that sounds terrible!) but at least we knew why she was so sad and we got some antibiotics to get it fixed. She seems to do fine all day but nights are when it gets bad. Hopefully she will start to feel better tomorrow. In other Emma news she can army crawl and is pretty close to crawling on all fours she has done it a few times but prefers her belly and scooting. No matter how many times I vacuum or clean up the floor she always finds some little piece of something to chew on, she is great at crawling through her excersaucer when we try and block he into the living room. She also is still in love with every toy or object that isn't hers.
We closed on our house on Wednesday and we can move in when ever we want. We had been shooting for this week but they just poured our driveway and can't drive on it until next weekend so instead of hauling boxes from the street we are waiting until next weekend. I will be so glad to not have boxes stacked against all our walls! I am beyond excited for our house, there is so much storage space and I really have been trying to get rid of a bunch of junk so hopefully we can have a clean and organized new home!
Man this is a scattered post....
Today we just wasted our day away at home, we wanted to move some boxes over but we were just too lazy and it was too cold. We did go get some Japanese which I have been craving for awhile. Now we are just sitting at home, I'll probably be going to bed soon because I have to be up at 3:45 for work. woo hoo. Hope everyone has a wonderful new year. :)
1 comment:
So fun! I do have to admit I was laughing pretty hard when I saw Brandon's pants but luckily that picture of Emma her cute hat distracted me. That is adorable! I miss you guys-hopefully we can make it up there soon.
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