Monday, April 18, 2011

Some more of Emma's bday

Rollin in the goods

Pre distruction

Nollie wishing she was having fun

Emma one year stats
wt 19.1 18%
length 28.5 29%
head 17.8 53%

she did awesome with the toe poke for her iron level, but shots... didn't love so much but she did love the sucker they gave her. Brandon has those pics on his phone and he is a slacker getting them on the computer. Yes babe I'm calling you out.

I also have a bunch of pics to get from my mom from our party at her house where she ate her cupcake. And this coming weekend we will be celebrating with the Ayotte fam. I seriously can not believe we have a ONE year old!!
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1 comment:

Kathryn Buxton said...

I still can't believe she's year old. Crazy how time flies. And she seems to be a little petite thing! (Although I've never had kids so maybe I'm interpreting those stats wrong) Glad she handled her one year check up like a champ :)