Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mothers day and anniversary weekend

We had such a great weekend! Saturday we went to the tulip festival with Brandons parents and Kim, Blair, and Sophie. We had lots of fun soaking up the sun, everyone got a little sun burned but it was worth it! After we went to IKEA to pick up our new couches, then back to Kim and Blairs for dinner. Emma crashed out in the high chair (she had only napped maybe 20 min. in her stroller during the day) so we just left her outside while we cleaned up haha... and yeah no pictures.... sorry. HOWEVER that will be a changing (more on that later). After dinner we went and got some TASTY frozen yogurt, it was SO good. then came home and put up our new couches! We love them so much... I however did not love that I stayed up until 12:30am and then had to be up at 3:30 for work...
Sunday I worked all day then went down to my parents for a BBQ with everyone. It was a blast and we had lots of great food. I love getting together with my bro's and having all the kids together, Emma loves chasing her cousins. Maybe one day she will be walking/running around with all of them. (she is still NOT walking)
Monday was our anniversary which I had to work all morning and Brandon went to work at 3 so we didn't really see each other until he got home . But we were both so spoiled I got a new camera and backpack and Brandon got a few shirts, a watch, and some sun glasses.
Too bad I might be too dumb for our camera. Its the Nikon D3100 and I really do love it, I just really don't know how to use it. If you have it on auto focus it will only take a pic if its focused... problem is I can never get it to be focused so we have to manually focus which I know is better but I kind of was thinking of easing myself into learning all that SLR stuff not diving in but oh well. Hopefully lots of beautiful pics to come with our sweet new camera! But as for this post... NO PICTURES sorry about that.

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