The other night I had just come home from my 5th 12 hour shift in a row(March 13), Emma had fallen asleep in the car so I thought I would just put her to bed early, but she woke up so I took her down we made dinner and then she started falling asleep so I set my dinner on the couch and went and put her down went to turn on her music in the computer room then I could hear Nollie eating my dinner. She NEVER eats our food unless we tell her to but she did that night. By then I had been up for 18 hours I hadn't eaten in 9 hours I was tired and grumpy, So I went down stairs to heat up more dinner then as its getting done I hear Emma just screaming and pounding on her door so I run upstairs and there she is covered head to toe in an tub of Vaseline. she had it in her hair, her eyes, her clothes, her bed, blanket stuff animals everywhere! So I put down my dinner again threw her in the tub and proceeded to try and scrub her clean. After several hair washings it still was sick, but I was tired and hungry. I turned on Mickey Mouse Club house (Emmas all time fav right now) and started to eat my dinner. Emma also ate about half of my dinner then finally went to bed. I got a few hours (literally like 3-4 hours ) sleep then went into work at 5am. It dawned on me while driving to work I had a take home test that was due the night before and if late received a 50% deduction, no big deal.. Ugh. Bad night
"mommy, lotion, eyes, owie" yep sweetie that doesn't belong in your eyese |
all over her sheets, blankie's, stuffies |
I found out the next day, olive oil will take Vaseline right out, who-da thought |
She knew she was in trouble |
Two nights later I went to bed with a fever, woke up the next morning had a fever all day. Went and saw the doctor and I had strep throat. About a month ago I had really nasty bronchitis and was on antibiotics for 20 days so I opted to just get a shot for the strep which hurt like crazy but was nice to be able to just forget about taking anything.
Next we took off for the weekend. (March 17-20) Shout out to my parents for taking the hairy kid, aka Nollie. We started out in St. George for the night and had some delish Parrot Head ( I think the name actually changed...) Then it was off to not so sunny Las Vegas. I was really hoping for some sun because I am one WHITE girl, but alas it was cool with temps around 55-60. So much for all the tank tops and shorts I packed Emma... We had a lot of fun though and got to see Jason and Claudia and the kiddos and spent time hitting up Circus Circus (YIKES) and going shopping and dreaming of the pool.
We had to be back to work and DonCo was kind enough to take Emma for an extra day. Wed. (March 21) we both had to work, it was so weird having the house to ourselves. Brandon was alone all morning and I was alone from when I got home from work until Emma got home which was around 10. By the time I got Emma in bed and got myself ready it was around 11. I had just fallen asleep when I hear my phone ringing. It was Brandon, his car had over heated on the way home from work and he was stranded. So at 11:45, I got out of bed, checked to make sure E was fast asleep and went off to get Brandon. Yes, I left Emma home alone, I'm a terrible mom like that. He was about 25 min away from our house so by the time we tried to trouble shoot what was going on, then deciding to just leave the car on the side of the road, we got home about 12:30.
(March 22) Fast forward 2 hours... I'm getting up to go do a preceptor shift for 13 hours... Man was I a tired girl I am on ICU and with all the stuff going on it kicked my butt, but I made it through the day. My parents were amazing and went out and got Brandons car and half drove towed it back to our house. The radiator was shot so we started calling around to try and get parts for that. We then went to a viewing, not fun, then went and got some dinner. Thanks mom and dad!
Over the weekend we celebrated Brandon and Kimmy's birthdays. We also got to go see the Hunger Games which was pretty good. I had read all the books and Brandon was all but done with the first. Then it was back to work/precpting mon, tues, wed, class thursday and tomorrow I'm suppose to work and then precept sat and sun then I'm DONE precepting! Tests on wed, then FINALS the next thurs. How awesome is that. Too bad I still feel like I have so many papers and such to write and do but it all ends in two weeks and I could not be more excited! Graduation is on the 20th, still haven't decided if I'm walking... we will see.
My sweet Emma just fell asleep on the couch. That girl drives us crazy and makes us laugh like no one else. She is such a joy to have in our family. Just a few things I don't want to forget about her are...
She has started using sentences, its so cute
she will say words in a question like drink? and you say oh you want a drink then she says o-tay. and drags you to go get her a drink. She will trick you in to all sorts of things if you aren't careful.
she is still trying to use the potty half the time with no pushing for us. I hope when schools out we can hit it and get her out of diapers... well thats wishful thinking isn't it!
she loves finding money anywhere we go and sticks it in her pockets
she loves her pockets and puts all sorts of treasures in there, I have to be careful when we do laundry and always check her pockets.
she is starting to leave her piggy tails in, thank goodness! That poor girl still has such short hair! We lover her mullet though, really.
she hates taking naps but somehow falls asleep playing or watching mickey mouse everyday around 4.
Speaking of Mickey, she loooves mickey mouse club house. She still loves watching movies too like finding nemo, toy story3, dispicable me, monsters inc, how to train your dragon, and mega mind.
She still is just a drinker! Its so hard to talk her into food somedays.
She does LOVE candy and will find it and try and hide that she is getting into it.
Any time she gets hurt she says sorry. (I think its because thats what we say to her but its soo sad and so cute.
She still drives her Nollie crazy
She now has a new stuff animals she loves, Nemo and Sunshine
She sleeps good most nights. There were a few nights when I was precepting and had to be up at 2am that I wanted to just cry because it would be 11pm before she went to bed but we made it though.
She loves playing with other kids, especially big kids.
I'm sad to report I don't have any other pictures... I really have slacked off with that and hope to do much better once school is out. There's actually about a million things I hope to do when school is out, be with the family, sleep, clean my house, get our yard in, and don't even get me started on my Pinterest list.
Holy crap your life is crazy right now. Nursing school is hard enough on its own but add in being a mom and working. Now that's just insane. But I am do proud of you for making it through!! 2 more weeks! Congratulations girl! Love you dearly :)
I'm so excited for you to be almost done!!! You should totally walk, this is a huge deal!! People will want to cheer you on for all your accomplishments as a mom, career woman, wife, daughter, etc! Hang in there!!! And now I know the evils of vaseline for when I have a child someday :)
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