Tuesday, April 10, 2012

our BIRTHDAY weekend {in pictures}

We went to Chilis to lunch on E's birthday  and went shopping and spent time as a {family}

It started with an Easter egg hunt and baby animals with the cousins, then lunch, cupcakes and presents

Then Easter Sunday, church, family {A}, family {S, then ended the night at the park.


Emma is one spoiled little gal, her family all {love} her very much.
Cows are {scary}
Love you E-cakes, we are so glad you joined our family and are so grateful for every crazy moment we get to spend with you. You try our patients and give us the sweetest kisses and loves for it.

A few things about 2 year old E
*Loves Micky Mouse
*can open pretty much any door
*will push chairs or whatever she can so she can crawl up it and get candy, turn on lights, do any other "no, no" thing she can
*still in size 4 diapers
*will seriously use the potty {and actually stay dry} some days and other days she won't {TOUCH} the potty.... and don't even think about making her wear panties, she {HATES} them
*still could drink a gallon a day if we let her
*has a crazy funny laugh, it melts me just a little
*gets into anything not nailed shut
*is obsessed with monies {coins mainly}
*makes her mom wonder why she ever thinks of having more kids....
*makes her mommy want to have about 10 more kiddos.
*asks to color lots
*asks for candy constantly
*loves being outside
*loves to try and follow and do what other bigger kids are doing
*is a complete fish
*has little to no fear.... unless there is a cow
*found a binky the other day and had a {GIANT} melt down when I took it away, p.s. she gave up the bink at 10mo on her own, what the
*loves to see her grandparents and cousins
*terrified of soft play places like at McDonald's and the likes, won't even go inside with mommy
*  loves yogurt, cheese, milk... pretty much any dairy...
*gets into the car by herself way to often, like when we don't know she is doing it
*unbuckles her seat belt all the time while we are driving
*won't nap but falls asleep watching {toons} or {playing} in her room.

We do really love this age she is at but sometimes it is so {HARD}. We are so glad she is our little crazy though and wouldn't trade her for anything! Happy Birthday little gal!
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1 comment:

Oliver Family said...

Love the comment about how she wants makes you wonder if you want more kids but at the same time makes you want 10 more. That is totally how I feel! They make you want to pull out your hair one minute then melt your heart the next. :)