Saturday, May 12, 2012

Willow Park Zoo

The other day we had a FHE about animals  (FHE with 2 year olds is rough! We just went off stuff she had been doing in nursery...) So for an activity we hit up the Willow Park Zoo over in Logan. Here are a few pics from our day. They are a little blurry because our camera is broken (AGAIN) so you have to manual focus and I am obviously not very good at that, then throw in a very wiggly 2 year old you get some blurry photos...

watching the monkeys 
Her hair was so cute before we left... but this gal has a thing
for taking her hair out while we drive... SO ANNOYING
this little guy is the king of the zoo. you could hear him every where you went.
we finally spotted him atop one of the bird cages.
I cannot get enough of these little lets.
feeding the ducks... more like chasing ducks
she let them eat right out of her hand!
yes we had to take a picture of this... he is asleep... ON ONE LEG!
now thats talent
these guys are scary... just saying

It was a short little trip, then Brandon had to be off to work and I don't even remember what me and E did, I think shopping (a favorite of ours). I'm so grateful for the moments we get to spend together and go and enjoy our beautiful world. Having a kid really does make you grateful for all the little things in your life.
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1 comment:

Kathryn Buxton said...

She's so big! And so stylish I might add. Loving her kicks on her cute little legs! :) Now that school is done it's time for baby #2! ha ha, or maybe you can just enjoy a nice BREAK! Congrats!