Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ayotte Family Camping Trip

 This year the Ayotte family vacation was originally going to be in Vegas but a sudden change events landed us up in Coalville at Echo Island Ranch. It was a lot of fun. At first they had stuck us clear in the back of the campgrounds with no shade in sight and the Provo River not too far from us. After some talking we got moved to a great spot with lots of shade and the river was further away and a lot more calm. (Excuse the pics are a bit out of order)

First day, Emma and Parks

First day, Emma loved climbing up and watching the horses

"down by the river"

She loved throwing rocks in and could have probably done it all day long

First day, just sat on the rock so dad tried to get a picture
she thought the balls for ladder ball were necklaces. she woke them all the time. 

creepy pic by the fire last night, my eyes are CREEPY
This was before we left we were just making sure E would still fit in if we took the air mattress, then while we were deflating it she thought it would be fun to rib-bit on  my back. Totally popped my back a few times she is crazy!

This is on our way out. We had to drop Nollie off at my parents, this was how she rode the whole way there

these horses were right by out camp site
all the kiddos


Eating snacks watching the boys fish

This girl would never smile while we were taking pics

On the last night she said, Jamma's, car, so we took her out for a drive and she fell asleep. Then Brandon went fishing, while she slept in the car, then we got back to camp and she kept on sleeping. Oh yeah, it was only 7pm. 

Celebrating Nanas birthday eating a ice cream cone

Our typical morning in the tent.. except on the last day....

That is a bunch of salt on Emma's sandwich. I had left her to eat and when I came back this is what I found SICK.

We had lots of fun, but man having a two year old in a tent is HARD. She snuck out the first night a half hour after we had put her down and didn't go to bed until almost 12am. Then she woke up at 6, which for my little gal who usually sleeps 12 hours straight was just not enough sleep. Nap times were a little rough but we managed. The last morning was probably my favorite. She had in previous mornings just climbed up on our bed and woke us up, well on the last morning I woke up to her saying "Wake up Mommy, Wake up Nanna" she was outside the tent banging on the tent. I hurried outside and she was just running around our camp sight, no one was awake. It was only about 10 min past when she had woke up the previous days but I still have no idea how long she had been up the little stink! It was the coldest morning too.  Her feet and hands were freezing, we got a fire going and warmed us up and life was good.
This only makes us that much more terrified for our Lake Powell trip which is coming up in 2 weeks. I think we have decided to safety pin her in a tent, and sleep in front of the door... Its going to be a little crazy but we are so excited to take her this year because we missed last year.
Some of the fun things Emma has done lately...
Today on the way home from church we asked her how nursery was, she started listing off kids that she had played with then she said, I play with Wes. I knocked her over, and got toy back. We didn't know what to say we just started laughing! Wes is my friends kid so I text her and told her about it and she said she would ask Wes about it. Too Funny.
She answers a lot of questions with I did, or I did it.
She is starting to be better with getting her hair done and leaving it alone. Poor kid has a case of the major mullet...
She does pretty good to clean up her toys... she also likes to tell us no ALOT.
She is talking lots, still loves Mickey. Makes us want to laugh and cry at the same time.
We are still in the middle of getting our yard in. We hired a kid to come scrap off all the old junk, bring in top soil and level it out. Well he did a really great job except he ran over our sewer pipe and broke the top of it, ran into the side of our house and dented our siding (its not that bad but still) and then cracked the edege of our driveway... Oh the joys... I just hope we can get it all worked out with him and then get our sprinklers and grass in!

We are enjoying summer, I'm still in the hunt for a RN job and Brandon has had several interviews for day shift positions. Thermo takes there time filling positions though. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition and I can switch to nights when Brandon goes to days and then we can be babysitter free!! That will be the greatest feeling ever! 
I don't remember if I mentioned it before but I totally had pneumonia the end of May first part of June. Since battling a sinus infection since January I'm pleased to say I'm feeling a whole let better and so glad I could finally get on the right antibiotics and kick the stupid sickness! Luckily no one else in the fam caught it so that was nice. 
Well thats all from us until more exciting times...

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